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I loved the soundtrack. I didn't understand it was a puzzle until near the end but, it was the writing that held me. A fun challenge.


Hello! Firstly, I apologize for the delay in providing feedback on your video. I am extremely grateful for your support!

I really liked your narration, you are a very charismatic and even funny person haha. I hope your channel grows a lot!

I would also like to thank you for your feedback during the gameplay, as this will help me a lot to work better on the final version of the game.

The enemy in the game does not teleport. In fact, there are several monsters and not just one. I noticed this confused you a lot.

I also noticed that you have some problems finding your way around the paths, even with the tips and indications from the bird on the walls. You also didn't seem to realize you were going in circles. You can be sure that I will work on further player guidance in the final version of the game.

I apologize for the game not having a save system, but it's another point I intend to add in the final version. This is a demo version that I had a time limit to develop, but now I have a lot of things to add and improve.


Hello! Sadly I got hacked last year and lost the project... I had to start over, but finally there's a new demo available! Feel free to check it out. 🥸

(1 edit) (+1)

Fuckin' great stuff man. for real.
great mood, use of the mechanics and the graphics.
saw this on Peyton's comment section and had to see since its a fellow brazilian.

(1 edit)

Thank you for your feedback! Peyton is a great inspiration to me. I'm glad you liked it! 🇧🇷🥸

Hello! Sadly I got hacked last year and lost the project... I had to start over, but finally there's a new demo available! Feel free to check it out. 🥸


Oh damn, sorry for that fr

I'll definetly check that demo out, thanks for the reply

Deleted 244 days ago

Thank you very much for your feedback! I LOVED your video, that was the best review anyone has done about my game until now.  About your suggestions:

- I'll add custom controls and gamepad support.

- The tutorial done in a way to have progression. First you are in the dark and learn to turn on the light. Then you learn how to run. Then you learn that you have to explore the scenarios... But I'll work on it to make it more clear.

- The lore was really not the focus on the demo, so I just did something misterious, but the game's story will be the more important part of the full version. The gameplay is inspired by Resident Evil (exploration, there will be firearms, inventory administration and stuff like that) and the story  by Silent Hill (confusing but reflective story, and psichological horror).

- The early versions had the option for windowed or fullscreen resolution, but that caused a bug in the ilumination so I had to temporary remove that.

- I'll definitely add more options in the full version.

- And the last but not least: savepoints. I had to rush the demo version because I presented this game at a important gaming event here in Brazil, and there wasn't enough time to do Savepoints. But I'll DEFINITELY add it in the full version. Sorry about that.

I'm even more confident and motivated now, and i'll definitely work hard to improve the game in the full version!


The music and the art just make the experience so thrilling.

I like how those elements are organized to give me this feeling!

It would be better to have more character animations such as running.

Thank you for your feedback! There's a small difference between the walking and running animations: the hair moving for example. But i'll definitely improve it in the full version.

Hello! Sadly I got hacked last year and lost the project... I had to start over, but finally there's a new demo available! Feel free to check it out. 🥸


The game works really well. The art and the music/SE are on point! Keep it up because there is a lot of potential here.

I encounter one small bug, which is you can open your inventory on the credits scene, nothing major though!


Thanks for your feedback! Sorry about that bug, i'll fix it and work hard to improve the game in the full version. I'm glad you liked it!

Hello! Sadly I got hacked last year and lost the project... I had to start over, but finally there's a new demo available! Feel free to check it out. 🥸


I like how the game feels with its sound and atmosphere.
As far as improvements go. I'd like it if the door would open automatically once you found the key, instead of having to find it in your inventory and then use it on the door (but that may only be a problem with games with lots of potential keys). I also feel like the monster is too fast but that may be me haha.

Thank you for your feedback! I will definitely improve the game mechanics and hope you have a better experience later!

Hello! Sadly I got hacked last year and lost the project... I had to start over, but finally there's a new demo available! Feel free to check it out. 🥸


I really liked the style of this game. The controls, however, are not very good and it’s a pity that the game does not have Russian. And the text inventory looks somehow... Old-fashioned or something? And the toy is lamp-based, atmospheric, pleasant and cool!

I'm sorry about the lack of russian translation, but it's out of my current knowledge. I plan to add custom controls and gamepad support. I'll improve the text fonts too. Thanks for your feedback!

Hello! Sadly I got hacked last year and lost the project... I had to start over, but finally there's a new demo available! Feel free to check it out. 🥸


Really cool despite the simple visuals. The audio is well done and does a lot to build the atmosphere. Great job!


Thank you very much for your feedback! Glad you liked it!

Hello! Sadly I got hacked last year and lost the project... I had to start over, but finally there's a new demo available! Feel free to check it out. 🥸


I'm sorry to hear that but glad to see you're still going with it. Thanks for the update. 


the game is incredibly well built, despite being minimalist and having a limited color palette, it conveys very well the feeling of distress that its universe seems to have. but unfortunately when you die, you go back all over again and have to choose the language again, however, for a demo, the game is great. final score: 8/10, keep it up!

Thank you very much for your feedback! I'm working on a savegame system in the full version. Glad you liked it!

Hello! Sadly I got hacked last year and lost the project... I had to start over, but finally there's a new demo available! Feel free to check it out. 🥸


cool! gonna check it out!


I enjoyed the atmosphere and music/sounds felt very fitting! I liked the introductory section inside the house before the lights turn off too.

Also I noticed you can open the inventory while the credits scroll.

Thank you for your feedback! I'll fix that bug right away.

Hello! Sadly I got hacked last year and lost the project... I had to start over, but finally there's a new demo available! Feel free to check it out. 🥸

(6 edits) (+1)

Hey, really liked the game. The chase sequence was pretty good (liked how small the view area was with the flashlight. I also turned the flashlight off while hidden once and it felt pretty tense) also really liked the art style. I see potential in the game, with a good story it can turn out a great game. 

Although I do have some feedback of a couple things that could be improved. 

 - Footsteps sounds: It feels better to not have the same sound playing repeatedly, so you can use at minimun 3 footsteps sounds and randomly play them.

- Is it on? When I first entered the house I used the inventory and turned on the flashlight, but there was no indication of it's current state, I evetually was able to turn it off by watching the battery level. You could add something to indicate in the invetory the itens state or you could just block the player from switching on the flashlight in areas like that one. 

- Missed the paper: The fist time I plaiyed I missed the first paper and that made me figure the controls by myself. I believe it was mostly because I was not yet familiar with how the game highlights important objects or, of course it could just be me being careless. But if you wish to highlights it better you could place it in the middle of the dark and just iluminate it, so it calls some attention (on the other hand, the Z in the tree I saw instantly ^^).

Thank you very much for your feedback! These were very important tips that I'm going to analyze and improve the game. Really appreciated!

Hello! Sadly I got hacked last year and lost the project... I had to start over, but finally there's a new demo available! Feel free to check it out. 🥸


I liked the black and white design and dark tense atmosphere of the game, and it actually managed to spook me while playing. The only part of the game that I have difficulty with is the keyboard controls.

Thank you very much for your feedback! I'm planning to add custom controls and even a gamepad support later :)!

Hello! Sadly I got hacked last year and lost the project... I had to start over, but finally there's a new demo available! Feel free to check it out. 🥸

(1 edit) (+1)

Great artstyle and atmosphere!

I also like the detail of adding three languages.

But there are a few errors in the Spanish translation.

For example, the part where you have to hide, and there is the word "HIDE" written in the wall, is translated as "ESCONDER", which is the infinitive mode of the verb. In English that would be correct, but in Spanish, verbs have a different mode when you are telling someone to do something. The correct translation would be "ESCÓNDETE"


Thank you very much for your feedback! My spanish is really bad, so I have to study more. Sorry about that, but i'll try to improve the translation as the development goes.

Hello! Sadly I got hacked last year and lost the project... I had to start over, but finally there's a new demo available! Feel free to check it out. 🥸


I can't tell what's going on so it's hard to play. I feel like I'm running around in circles but I'm not sure because there is not enough to differentiate between the rooms and doors. Maybe some brick patterns on some walls would help. Also a checkpoint or two would be great. I also want to be able to adjust the volume. Like others have said, the music, art, and atmosphere is great.

Thank you very much for your feedback! The "running around in circles" is basically the idea of the final stage. There's a note that says about a ''bird flying in direction of the light", so if you just search for the bird's paintings on the wall you know where to go. I will add savepoints and think about a better visualization in the full version.

Hello! Sadly I got hacked last year and lost the project... I had to start over, but finally there's a new demo available! Feel free to check it out. 🥸


I really enjoyed the simplicity of the art. The music and sound effects really fit well into the game! Looks good :)

Thank you for your feedback! I'm glad you liked it!

Hello! Sadly I got hacked last year and lost the project... I had to start over, but finally there's a new demo available! Feel free to check it out. 🥸


I absolutely adore the art style, especially the lighting is great the choice of color with gray and black as main colors is something I also do in some of my games. The atmosphere is great, even with the 1-Bit style its scary as hell.

Thank you very much for your feedback! I'm very happy that you liked it :)


Hello! Sadly I got hacked last year and lost the project... I had to start over, but finally there's a new demo available! Feel free to check it out. 🥸


Will do :)

(1 edit) (+1)

Olá, o jogo é legal com criatividade totalmente(gostei ficar escuro na floresta). 

Eu fiz video de Gameplay através pela live: 

Muito obrigado pelo apoio!

Hello! Sadly I got hacked last year and lost the project... I had to start over, but finally there's a new demo available! Feel free to check it out. 🥸


Você quer eu faça video do novo Demo?

Poxa, eu adoraria se você fizesse! 😁❤️


nice hard

Thank you very much for your support! From what I saw you didn't play the updated version of the demo. I recommend you try again with the new update, as the game is much better now!

(1 edit)

Hello! Sadly I got hacked last year and lost the project... I had to start over, but finally there's a new demo available! Feel free to check it out. 🥸


Well, would you look at that! Pretty neat!


Wish Markiplier would play it, lol.

I would love to see that too, lol

Thank you very much!

(1 edit) (+1)

Hello! Sadly I got hacked last year and lost the project... I had to start over, but finally there's a new demo available! Feel free to check it out. 🥸


O jogo tem uma proposta incrível é como se Undertale e Resident Evil tivessem um filho. Sempre fico feliz quando vejo a indústria brasileira criando coisas tão interessantes e criativas igual a esta. Ansioso pelo lançamento!

Muito obrigado pelo feedback! Que bom que gostou!!!